Thursday, April 7, 2011

He understands a lot more than we think!

He is starting to be compliant!  The other day at dinner The Boy was freaking out about eating a certain vegetable we really thought he should eat (The Boy is a carb-a-holic, he would eat nothing but breads if we let him).  So out of sheer desperation (he had not eaten any V words all day, the dinner was going south for everyone, and he had already pounded two rolls) I said, "OK, if you eat a bite of this V then I will give you a bite of the roll, but we are going to trade bite for bite, OK?  Now please take a bite of the V!)  HE DID IT! Back and forth all night until all V's were gone.  Who knew you could communicate like this with them!  Huh.  Since then we have these little talking sessions ever so often and most of the time it works.


  1. Just the beginning of your quest to be one step ahead to keep them on the road without controling their creativity. Can't wait for that interaction.

  2. Kids make PSYOPs look like they are the preschoolers. They are master manipulators and negotiators. I use a quote I heard... "there are two things for dinner... take it or leave it." My kids LOVE carbs too!

    My boys are also a toggle switch, not a dimmer. Calm one minute then literary bouncing off the walls the next. Gravity is not their friend:)

    Saw your "my childhood, my heritage" pic below. Small world. Grew up in NC too. My Dad is from Farmville and I went to UNCW.

    Thank you for your service to the Country,

