Sunday, February 27, 2011

Quote of the day!

Familiarity breeds contempt--and children.

Mark Twain

For real... really people!

Sorry for the delay in updates but last week was very busy!  From time to time I will be gone for days, but don't worry, as soon as I get back I will update the site right away!  Please don't tune out.  ;)

This will be a two part post.  Part 1) :  I was at the mall the other day with The Boy.  We went to the "kids play area"(just a side rant here - have you guys noticed the "15 year olds" running and jumping at warp speed around the enclosed area meant for... say... 1 to 6 year olds?  Its like a war zone.  I don't know if it is appropriate but I had to throw down a little law).  After The Boy began to play, I began my favorite mall activity... people watching!  Just a few seconds into target acquisition I came across a disturbing sight.  A lady, 150 lbs overweight (I have noting against heavy people, this is just an important detail to the subject description) caught my eye.  She had on no bra and had on a T-shirt (two sizes too small) that read: "yes I am a b---h, just not yours".  She was there watching as her own children played.  For real... really people!  How can you have such little respect for yourself?  How can you have such little respect for your own children and the children of others around you?  Rich, poor, religious, or atheist, this is not right for anyone.  We have to tighten up the ship folks.  I guess this is one reason I need to stay home full time with The Boy to be there in times like these, to explain what it means and describe why we DO NOT act like this.  Wrong or right, people judge us based on how we act and what we wear.  It is not their fault, they do not know us, it is all they have to go on.  I don't care what walk of life you are from, you can be clean, nicely dressed, and carry yourself in a disciplined and respectful way.

On another note.  The Boy got his first hair cut the other day.  I have to say I was against it at first (long blonde curly hair).  However after seeing the finished product I have to say there is nothing like an old school little boy hair cut!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Quote of the day!

A woman is only a woman, but a good cigar is a smoke.
Rudyard Kipling

First round goes to the chair...

So much blood... Oh the blood, so bright red and thick...
Well, The Boy decided he needed to climb up on the kitchen chair and stand up.  I picked him up, put him down, moved the chair, scolded The Boy... everything I could think of.  The Boy was determined.  I decided I would leave him on the chair... he fell flat on his face!  The blood began to flow, he was not happy.  So... my question is: will this teach him, or will he climb again?  Are there any other things to try?  I think he might have a little black eye tomorrow :)

Monday, February 21, 2011

Spider monkey!

Does anyone see anything wrong with this picture?  Yes our laptop is on top of the fireplace!  That is where it had to stay all night while I cooked dinner.  It appears as though The Boy has become part spider monkey.  He can and will climb anything.  No piece of furniture is safe.  I had to push all of the chairs in the house away from any raised surfaces to keep him from ending up on the the table, counter, and desk.  I even had to make sure that they are pushed flush with a wall so that once on the chair he will not tip it over... as he has done so many times before.  He has an uncontrollable love for the laptop.  I came into a dark office tonight to find him with the computer in his lap and him accessing some remote inter-working of the computer's hard drive (nothing I haver ever seen).  I have no idea how he got it off the desk.  Also on a side (and funny) note.  While in the grocery store, buying an un-holly amount of food today for this weeks up coming dinners, I had The Boy up front and in the driver's seat of the basket.  I turned my back for one minute to get a potato form the bin and when I looked back I see a whole package of cherry tomatoes flying through the air and crash onto the floor scattering everywhere.  Funny isn't it!  Deep sigh and a chuckle.

Quote of the day!

"I love you a bushel and a peck and a hug around the neck."  Author: you know who you are.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Be clear, be honest!

A very short post for those of you reading tonight.  Today I had a great conversation with my favorite person in the whole world... Blessed.  I want to start by saying that I have the best wife in the entire world. She is the best mother, wife, and most importantly friend.  I can say more to her than any one I have ever encountered.  The fact that we had a great, in depth, emotional, and COMPLETELY honest conversation is neither new, random, or rare.  This all leads to the point of the post this evening.  SAHD's... be in love with you wife.  If you are not in love with them, get in love with them.  If it is hard and you think it is hopeless, try harder.  I know for a fact that your job (being a SAHD) will be extremely hard... if not impossible if you don't. I am so in love with her... I am so in love with her.  When we have these types of conversations I know exactly what God was thinking...!  She knows me better than anyone else in this world and that alone will make me successful.  The things I can say to her, share with her, REVEAL to her... makes life so much easier.  So to close, if I can give some SAHD advice (even though I am not one), love your wife uncontrollably and share every aspect of your life with her, begging her to do the same with you... your children will thank you for it... your heart will reward you for it.

Quote of the day!

Associate yourself with people of good quality, for it is better to be alone than in bad company.
Booker T. Washington

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Taming the stallion!

This last Saturday was a new event in our household and a altogether new event for me, Blessed, and The Boy!  The Boy is a outstanding kid all the way around, however he has had a devoted fan base (me, Blessed, and his nanny) from day one till present.  He has always had someone there with him constantly bending to his every whim.  As he becomes older (1 1/2 years) he is starting to act out more and become increasingly aggressive with his tantrums.  So this weekend, while having having one of his (few) outbursts, The Boy began to scream and then head butted Blessed.  After seeing this I knew it was time to do something...I had to break the stallion!  Not having any other ideas and never have done this parenting gig before, I took The Boy, sat on the couch in the quiet living room and held him firmly.  Not being able to move freely and do as he wished, The Boy lost his mind!  He screamed, jerked, and cried uncontrollably.  I continued to hold him firmly, keeping his hands to his sides, and speaking calmly into his ear explaining what was going on and why he was in time out.  I explained to him that when he could calm down and act in an appropriate manner I would allow him to get down.  He wasn't going down without a fight.  The Boy went from level 6 to 10 and this continued for at least 20 minutes.  And then, as if turning off the water, he stopped.  He pointed at a toy in the corner and said "ball".  So the questions for all of you are... did I break him, did I do the right thing, will this make any difference in the future?

Quote of the day!

The only requirement for evil to exist is for GOOD men to do nothing!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

A sad day brings reflection.

This week two Federal Agents were attacked and one man murdered in an act of terrorism!  The Agents were serving in Mexico when they were targeted (using actual Mexican Federal Police uniforms) by the Los Zetas.   While traveling on a main road the Agents were stopped and attacked at a false check point.  This cold and sobering moment makes me stop and reflect on something "Al" said this week concerning the "unnamed star".  I selfishly don't want my wife or children to ever have to feel that pain.  However, I do want to be in the fight!  I have very certain skill that can be very helpful in this fight.  My heart goes out to these brave men's families.  Every American needs to stand up and take notice of this act.  This was a targeted terrorist act on two Federal Agents in foreign lands!  Is it fair to make my family live every day wondering where I am and what I am doing.  Thinking about every person they encounter, "is this person good or evil?"  Decisions Decisions Decisions.    

Quote of the day!

On Valentine's Day, while speaking with my father-in-law, he made this comment concerning the fact that he gave my mother-in-law a T-bone steak for V-Day: "I will give her the meat and keep the bone!"

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Long day, justice served!

Began at 1:00 AM this morning with a tired kiss from my wife and strict warning to be safe and come back safe.  20 straight hours of work, 17 raids, and mountains of "federal paper"... I am exhausted.  This will not be the longest or most detailed blog entry.  However, I did think it important to make an entry.  After a day like this I can totally see being a SAHD the rest of my life.  You know the thing that bothers me the most?  The children!  No matter where in the world I am or the circumstances I am placed, my heart breaks for the little ones now.  I see there little eyes looking up and know they just don't get why these adults are acting like this.  It never really affected me before, not until I had my little one.  Now, its all I can think about.  I just want to hold them and tell them it is OK and that they are safe.  I am sorry babies, for the world, for the pain that these man children do to you!  I am so sorry.  Below is a picture of how I feel I should be every day.  It is one of my favorite of me and my boy.  Dads be good to them, hug them alot, look them in the eyes and tell them "you love them"! 

Quote of the day! This is dedicated to a conversation I had with my son...

...No it is not a's poop!

Monday, February 14, 2011

First blog post!

Well welcome to my blog.  I just got it up today so forgive any errors or problems, as I am still trying to figure all of this out.  I am excited about this process.  This is an opportunity to express my feelings, troubles, and excitement about possibly becoming a full time stay at home dad.  I say possibly because it is far from being official and I am still praying about and researching my options.  This will be a journey of wills for sure.  At this moment I am 99% sure that I would love to be and thrive as a stay at home dad but I know that I have to be completely sure!  This blog is also a way to talk "openly" but of course "anonymously" about all of the things I love, like, hate, enjoy, and find interesting.  Nothing is off limits.  So, all of you out there (especially stay at home dads SAHD's), please share your thoughts, feelings, and experiences with me.  I want you all to be apart of my experience and decision!  God bless, and lets get it on.

BTW, I am in fact a secret agent with an unnamed federal agency, I can not talk about or show large aspects of my life and thus the difficulty in my decision (pride and success can weigh on a man).  More about that to come.
Quote of the day: Make a point whenever you can.  Some of my regular readers (Spike) will understand this more than others.