Friday, May 20, 2011

Two hours of screaming! Did it break him or break us?

I am back!  Sorry everyone (if there is anyone left).  Work has been very very busy this past month or so.  We did some good things I think.  Anyway you didn't come to hear about that.  So the last few days The Boy has been waking up at 0200 and crying for me and blessed.  Like dutiful parents we go in each time, sometimes 4 times a night, and try to appease him so we can all go back to sleep.  One time I even brought him back to our bed and he slept like... well ... a baby.  So last night Blessed said "no mas".  Her orders were one time then let him cry, no matter what.  She said he has to learn to go back to bed himself.  I agreed... no one told The Boy.  He cried, screamed, made horrible animal sounds and even banged on the door for two long hours.  I am tired...  At 0500 he eventually went to sleep.  Will it work, will it change things?  Stay tuned.  On another note we have begun potty training.  He came to Blessed a few weeks ago and said "poo poo?" while holding his diaper.  She went in, took of the diaper and went in the potty without  prompting from the outside!  Who knew he was a genius!  Since that time he has (sporadically) done 1 and 2 in the potty several times with huge (ticker tape style) celebrations from Blessed and I.  We will see.  Finally, because of some of the work my team and I have been doing, the people in the ivory town have seen fit to make me an offer if I stay on.  So the SAHD decision becomes that much more difficult.  Wait on the Lord I guess.... what to do what to do.

1 comment:

  1. Good luck with the bedtime deal and potty training! Who knows, maybe your calling is to be the engaged working father you are. You would be a good example and influence on all the ones that would rather hang out with their buddies than their families.

    BTW, we had a few "false starts" with potty training so keep up the patience and rewards. You definitely don't want them in the bed with you. We made that mistake and now it is musical beds every night:)

    Keep the faith,

