Thursday, June 16, 2011

What can this boy not do?

Ok so Blessed and I were playing with The Boy last night after supper and we were throwing the ball to him and he was throwing it back.  As a father I was very impressed with his throwing ability, because as any father will tell you that it directly indicates hi level of "boyness", ha ha anyway.  Then as Blessed and I were teaching him how to catch, he just decided he would!  Im not talking a little accident catch, or a baby style bungled catch, Im talking a full out 10 ft across the room catch.  I was so impressed, we went nuts.  A little over 1 1/2 years old and catching a ball!  Well when we get excited The Boy gets excited!  We wanted a challenge.  He would make us scoot back further and further each time and throw the ball, he would then catch it mid-air every time.  So impressed, so impressed.  We did it all night, he did not want to stop, so much so that when we did take him to bed (an hour after his bed time) he cried and threw a fit.  I love his commitment and intensity already.  God bless the children, I didn't know life could be this good.

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