Wednesday, March 2, 2011

The challenge!

So at work I spoken to several of my friends and co-workers concerning whether I should resign or not.  This is the statement heard from most of those; "Man you could never do it, you might last 6 months or so but after a year you will be going crazy.  You will miss your days and the excitement, you don't know what your getting into!"

Well what do you think SAHD's?  Did any of you hear this?  For those of you doing it for a while, what has been you experience?  What are your negative experiences?  Would you do it again if you had it to do over?  Would you modify how you did it?

I think all of these points are valid, however I do know how much I love being with The Boy, and I am very active with him.  I have so much I want to teach him.  We will see...

1 comment:

  1. I wanted to vote but there are a few caveats. First thing is to be sure you want to. It sounds like you do but it still needs to said. I don’t think it is ever a good idea when someone becomes a SAHD because they “have” to. I know there are unique or temporary situations but whomever is caring for your child should “want” to.

    My situation is different as I became a SAHD when we moved for my wife’s job. I had to leave my previous job because of the move so the downside for me was minimal. That being said I have not had a day where I regretted the decision. I was in the recruiting profession and I have done some part time contract work when it made sense for us. But I truly believe being a SAHD is a more than full time job if you do it what I consider is the “right way.” Not that I am anywhere near the best at being a SAHD but I definitely see anything to do with the kids, the house, or the yard as being in my bailiwick.

    You might be able to take advantage of FMLA if it applies to you and your son is suddenly “without” childcare. It would give you 90 days to test drive it. I did that after the wife went back to work when the kids were born and I figured out that it was not for me at that time.

    Depending on your MOS you might be able to do some periodic contract work and even make more money. Think Blackwater:) Or you might be able to be a “consultant” somewhere. That would allow you to keep your head in the game while you are a SAHD. That might also enable you to jump back into your field full time if and when you want to.
    I have missed some things about working:

    - Interacting with people.
    - Being able to “take a break” when I wanted to.
    - The “rush” of the job. In my case it was landing that great candidate.
    - Being “in the know.” This is not to be underestimated.
    - Seeing results from your efforts. You can see it with kids but over a longer span of time.
    - Climbing the ladder, the recognition and well… the money.

    All that said if you want to do it and you can do it… DO IT! Just be sure you and your Bride sit down a lot and talk out any anger or jealousy. Yours and hers.
