Thursday, March 24, 2011

Ummm... at least he is trying to help!

Is this bad... seriously, is this bad?  So The Boy loves to dig in trash and find "treasure".  The other night we were cleaning up dinner and he had found something to keep his attention.  I look down and there he is filling up the dish washer soap dispenser with an empty white rum bottle (mojitos are my favorite).  1. is it bad that I am letting him play with it... 2. is it bad that I think it is funny and go so far to take a photo of it and post it on the internet?  If it helps your decision, I don't feel bad about it at all.  It is so funny to me how he is copying everything we do now.  This last week he has been saying whole sentences.  It is true that Blessed and I have no idea what he is saying but he says them all the same.  He will even answer questions in full "babel"  sentences when we ask him questions.  He cracks me up.  By the way, Robert Baer has a new book out.  I have already finished it, good one.  Something we just finished up has just hit the news, pretty proud of it.  Did you hear about it?  We will see who is following the blog.


  1. you are invited to follow my blog

  2. you are Big Time SA!!!

  3. I heard Robert Baer on NPR and it sounds like a great book. It was funny how he said he still got calls from people needing "favors" long after leaving The Company. Unfortunately I am too lazy to read and a bit A.D.D. so I listen to books while I work out or clean the house. I need to add that to my list after I finish the Bible.

    Have fun,

