Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Well I'm back...

I am back, sorry about the absence!  Work called me away for about four days in a row... I do mean in a row!  I was a tired little puppy.  Rest easy though me and the boys did some good work.  Maybe some day I can tell the stories.  After being gone so long without being around The Boy, and then coming home to hear "DADDYYYYY" down the hall, I know where my heart is!  Oh by the way, the kid can talk!  It seems as though this week he decided to learn about 30 new words, and he says them all.  However, he only says them when he is good and ready.  I also had a daddy fail moment last week right before I had to do with a treadmill and The boy.  I wont go into details but there were no serious injuries!  I did feel pretty bad.  I had no idea he was going to loose his mind right then, nor did I know he could leap like cheetah!

1 comment:

  1. Glad you made it back safe! The words come fast and furious! But they seem to mainly pick up the words/phrases you don't want them to. Like a friend's child that yelled "Get out of the way lady" to a lady in the grocery store. No doubt heard in the car with a parent:)

    Have fun and don't fall down,

