Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Long day, justice served!

Began at 1:00 AM this morning with a tired kiss from my wife and strict warning to be safe and come back safe.  20 straight hours of work, 17 raids, and mountains of "federal paper"... I am exhausted.  This will not be the longest or most detailed blog entry.  However, I did think it important to make an entry.  After a day like this I can totally see being a SAHD the rest of my life.  You know the thing that bothers me the most?  The children!  No matter where in the world I am or the circumstances I am placed, my heart breaks for the little ones now.  I see there little eyes looking up and know they just don't get why these adults are acting like this.  It never really affected me before, not until I had my little one.  Now, its all I can think about.  I just want to hold them and tell them it is OK and that they are safe.  I am sorry babies, for the world, for the pain that these man children do to you!  I am so sorry.  Below is a picture of how I feel I should be every day.  It is one of my favorite of me and my boy.  Dads be good to them, hug them alot, look them in the eyes and tell them "you love them"!