Wednesday, February 16, 2011

A sad day brings reflection.

This week two Federal Agents were attacked and one man murdered in an act of terrorism!  The Agents were serving in Mexico when they were targeted (using actual Mexican Federal Police uniforms) by the Los Zetas.   While traveling on a main road the Agents were stopped and attacked at a false check point.  This cold and sobering moment makes me stop and reflect on something "Al" said this week concerning the "unnamed star".  I selfishly don't want my wife or children to ever have to feel that pain.  However, I do want to be in the fight!  I have very certain skill that can be very helpful in this fight.  My heart goes out to these brave men's families.  Every American needs to stand up and take notice of this act.  This was a targeted terrorist act on two Federal Agents in foreign lands!  Is it fair to make my family live every day wondering where I am and what I am doing.  Thinking about every person they encounter, "is this person good or evil?"  Decisions Decisions Decisions.    


  1. I am equally saddened and very angry. Sad for the family of that ICE agent who sacrificed his life for the safety of others. I have such admiration and are in awe ofthe brave men who daily put themselves in harms way for ME and YOU, whether it is military or special agents like yourself. God bless you and all of the agents who risk their lives for our freedoms, and to try to keep evil at a minimum,and God bless the USA. Having said that, I want to say that I hope our government will sit up and take notice that the situation in Mexico has reached a fever pitch, and it is TIME to do something about the boiling pot that is occuring near our country and close to our borders. It is time to stop being "politically correct" and put on our big boy panties, and take care of the encroaching war. On another subject, your recipes are very inspiring, and I am envious of the palate pleasing menus you provide every night for your wife and son. Keep up the good work!

  2. Since you are "Anonymous" I will just call you "Jane Doe". Well "Jane Doe" thanks so much for all you kind words and understanding. I also appreciate you joining the blog, as well as your support through my efforts to "possibly" becoming a SAHD. Stay tuned and share often.
