Sunday, February 20, 2011

Be clear, be honest!

A very short post for those of you reading tonight.  Today I had a great conversation with my favorite person in the whole world... Blessed.  I want to start by saying that I have the best wife in the entire world. She is the best mother, wife, and most importantly friend.  I can say more to her than any one I have ever encountered.  The fact that we had a great, in depth, emotional, and COMPLETELY honest conversation is neither new, random, or rare.  This all leads to the point of the post this evening.  SAHD's... be in love with you wife.  If you are not in love with them, get in love with them.  If it is hard and you think it is hopeless, try harder.  I know for a fact that your job (being a SAHD) will be extremely hard... if not impossible if you don't. I am so in love with her... I am so in love with her.  When we have these types of conversations I know exactly what God was thinking...!  She knows me better than anyone else in this world and that alone will make me successful.  The things I can say to her, share with her, REVEAL to her... makes life so much easier.  So to close, if I can give some SAHD advice (even though I am not one), love your wife uncontrollably and share every aspect of your life with her, begging her to do the same with you... your children will thank you for it... your heart will reward you for it.

1 comment:

  1. what I want to know is----how did morning go for you folk that ate dried prunes last night?!!!! My quote for the day: this too shall pass.
