Sunday, February 27, 2011

For real... really people!

Sorry for the delay in updates but last week was very busy!  From time to time I will be gone for days, but don't worry, as soon as I get back I will update the site right away!  Please don't tune out.  ;)

This will be a two part post.  Part 1) :  I was at the mall the other day with The Boy.  We went to the "kids play area"(just a side rant here - have you guys noticed the "15 year olds" running and jumping at warp speed around the enclosed area meant for... say... 1 to 6 year olds?  Its like a war zone.  I don't know if it is appropriate but I had to throw down a little law).  After The Boy began to play, I began my favorite mall activity... people watching!  Just a few seconds into target acquisition I came across a disturbing sight.  A lady, 150 lbs overweight (I have noting against heavy people, this is just an important detail to the subject description) caught my eye.  She had on no bra and had on a T-shirt (two sizes too small) that read: "yes I am a b---h, just not yours".  She was there watching as her own children played.  For real... really people!  How can you have such little respect for yourself?  How can you have such little respect for your own children and the children of others around you?  Rich, poor, religious, or atheist, this is not right for anyone.  We have to tighten up the ship folks.  I guess this is one reason I need to stay home full time with The Boy to be there in times like these, to explain what it means and describe why we DO NOT act like this.  Wrong or right, people judge us based on how we act and what we wear.  It is not their fault, they do not know us, it is all they have to go on.  I don't care what walk of life you are from, you can be clean, nicely dressed, and carry yourself in a disciplined and respectful way.

On another note.  The Boy got his first hair cut the other day.  I have to say I was against it at first (long blonde curly hair).  However after seeing the finished product I have to say there is nothing like an old school little boy hair cut!


  1. OK, I have to first say I think the shirt is funny. Totally inappropriate but funny none the less. Kind of like a fart at Thanksgiving:)

    With that out of the way I totally agree with you. People need to dress appropriately and especially be cognizant of other people's kids. Like the parents that cuss at their kids. REALLY? Then they can't believe when their kids give it back to them in spades.

    On the cooking front my wife loves an easy dish: Chicken Picatta. Buy Chicken cutlets to save the effort of pounding them out flat. The kids also love it!

    Have fun!


  2. I too have been away for awhile. I must say, SAHD, that I am impressed by your reflections on the world around us---i:e the blatant unspoken message the rude shirt made at the mall. Is it any wonder that children become what they know best? I know there are exceptions, but for the most part, it SEEMS to me that kids who grow up in drug users homes generally become users themselves (some with the HELP of whomever is raising them), promiscuous behavior by a parent encourages that in the adolescents in that home, parents with extreme expectations and extreme methods of discipline is often mimicked in the adults that were raised in that kid of home, kids raised on unhealthy and fatty foods (like fast foods) generally eat that way themselves,etc etc. As I said, some overcome these types of scenarios, but I would say most are effected profoundly. Thanks for your views-----
